# Form Field Display Optimization

In the previous modeling and form creation process, all form fields used default rendering controls. For example, character types used character input boxes, and numeric types used numeric input boxes.

In this section, we will customize the display controls for some fields. Below is a list of fields that need to be modified:

Model Field Form Display Control
Customer contactInfo Create, Update/View Long Text
SalesOpportunities Expected Amount Create, Update/View Currency

The display control for form fields is customized using the displayType property in DynamicFormField. For specific operation steps, please refer to the video below:


In the previous chapters, we only created the corresponding forms without adding form field definitions. In this case, the system will display all fields in the model by default. If you want to customize the display and input controls for fields, you need to create form fields.

Please refer to the list below for the default supported displayType list:

控件名称 描述
Id 标识符
String 字符串
Integer 整数
Decimal 小数
Currency 货币
Percentage 百分比
Datetime 日期时间
Date 日期
Object 对象
Array 数组
Array with details 带详细信息的数组
Array Inline 内联数组
Multiple select 多选
Object multiple select 对象多选
Tags 标签
Tag list 标签列表
Code 代码
Static field 静态字段
Http method HTTP 方法
Roles 角色
Password 密码
Updated ids 更新的 ID
Series 系列
Line chart 折线图
Tree select 树选择
Cron expression Cron 表达式
Stacktrace 堆栈跟踪
Markdown Markdown
Object ids 对象 ID
Text(long string) 文本(长字符串)
Single file 单个文件
Single image 单个图像
Document 文档
Grouped grand child 分组子项
Icon 图标
Zoned Datetime 带时区的日期时间
Sub table 子表
Entity Attributes 实体属性
Value select 值选择
Function Editor 函数编辑器
Comments 评论
Last Updated: 2/22/2025, 5:23:19 AM