# Dashboard Design

A dashboard is typically a visualization interface in a system used to provide an overview of key data and metrics. It usually presents information in the form of charts, graphics, numbers, etc., aimed at helping users intuitively monitor and understand the system's status, performance, or other key indicators.

This system supports customizing dashboards through customization to display various charts, links, text descriptions, etc.

# Target Audience

The target audience for this document includes: developers and implementers of this system, or advanced users interested in customizing dashboards.

# Operation Overview

# Creating a Dashboard

Users with dashboard creation permissions will see a button to create a new dashboard on the homepage after logging into the system, as shown below:

Create Dashboard

Clicking this button will bring up the dashboard creation form as follows:

Create Dashboard Form

The key fields are described as follows:

Field Name Description
Form Type Set to Dashboard when creating a dashboard
Name The name of the dashboard, cannot be modified after setting
Label The display name of the dashboard in the interface
Organization The organization to which the dashboard belongs
Enable Role List of user roles that can view this dashboard. If the user also has dashboard editing permissions, they can also edit the dashboard


Whether a user has permissions to create, edit, or delete a Dashboard is determined by whether the user has corresponding permissions for the DynamicForm Domain object.

  1. Switch to the dashboard to be modified, and click the gear icon after the dashboard display label to bring up the dashboard operation menu, which includes the following related functions:

Dashboard operate

The process of editing a dashboard is similar to creating one, so it won't be repeated here.

# Adding a Widget

In the dashboard operation menu mentioned above, clicking "Add new widget" will add a new widget to the current dashboard. The form for adding a new widget is shown below:

Create widget

The key fields are described as follows:

Field Name Description
Dashboard The dashboard to which this widget belongs
Type The type of this widget, which determines how it will be rendered in the frontend
Name The name of the widget, a unique identifier that cannot be modified after creation
Label The display name of the widget
Display Sequence The display order of the widget, widgets with smaller display sequence values are displayed first
Enable Logic The dynamic logic for whether the widget is displayed. If the result is false, the widget will be hidden
Core Logic The core logic for data preparation and display configuration of the widget
Options A JSON string that stores the display configuration of the widget

# Modifying and Deleting Widgets

When you hover over a widget, a gear icon will appear in the upper right corner of the widget. Clicking this gear icon will bring up an operation menu as shown below:

Widget operate

If the current user has permission to edit the widget, the following related operation menu items will appear:

  • Refresh data: Refresh the data
  • Show in popup window: Display the content of the widget in a larger popup window
  • Edit Widget settings: Edit the related settings of the Widget
  • Edit widget core logic: Edit the core logic of the widget. The core logic of the widget is a dynamic logic object used to return the data and configuration information needed to render the widget to the frontend

# Widget Display Width Setting and Line Break

When laying out widgets, the system divides all displayable width horizontally into 24 grids. Each widget can be set to a display width from 1 to 24. The system will sort the widgets based on the display sequence and calculate how many widgets can be displayed in each row based on the width setting of each widget, ensuring that the total width of all widgets in each row does not exceed 24. If the remaining grid width in a row is not enough to accommodate the next widget to be displayed, that widget will be moved to the next row for display.

The display width is saved in the Options field and specified through the following JSON data:

// "col": 8 indicates that the display width of this widget occupies 8 horizontal widths, i.e., 1/3 of the total width
{"position": {"col": 8}}


If the width of the widget is not specified in Options, the default width of the widget is 12, occupying 1/2 of a row.

# Widget Display Height

All Widgets displayed in the same row have the same height.

# Widget Options Setting

The Options in the Widget definition is a JSON string that defines the display configuration of the widget, including width and other configurations that only apply to specific widget types.

In addition, the configuration defined under the config key in the Options field will be passed to the rendering React component without any modification when rendering the widget in the frontend. In the following Options setting, the JSON object {"xField": "year", "yField": "value", "tooltip":{"showMarkers": true}} will be passed to the rendering React component as is.

{"config": {"xField": "year", "yField": "value", "tooltip": {"showMarkers": true}}, "position": {"col": 8}}

# Enable Logic

Whether a Widget is displayed is controlled by the widget's enable logic, while the related configuration and data for display,

The enable logic of a Widget is a Dynamic Logic object with Logic Type "Dashboard widget enable logic"

# Injected Variables

When the frontend retrieves the widget list of a Dashboard, it will first call the enable logic dynamic logic defined in each widget definition and perform the calculation . If the calculation result is false, that widget will not be returned. The list of variables injected at runtime is as follows:

Variable Name Variable Type Description
userContext grails.plugin.springsecurity.userdetails.GrailsUser Information of the current operating user
application grails.core.GrailsApplication Current grails application context
widget tech.muyan.dynamic.form.DynamicDashboardWidget Widget object

# Return Result

The customized code needs to return a Map<String, Boolean> object, which should contain an element with key result, as shown in the example below:

// ่กจ็คบ่ฏฅ action ๆˆ– task ๆˆ– widget ๆ˜ฏๅฆๅฏ็”จ
// Indicates whether this action or task or widget is enabled
[result: true | false]


If the enable logic field in the widget definition is empty, it means that the widget is displayed by default

# Core Logic

The system generates the specific data to be displayed and related display attributes through the widget's core logic, and passes them to the frontend.

# Injected Variables

The injected variables when the Widget core logic runs are shown in the table below:

Variable Name Variable Type Description
userContext grails.plugin.springsecurity.userdetails.GrailsUser Information of the current operating user
application grails.core.GrailsApplication Current grails application context
widget tech.muyan.dynamic.form.DynamicDashboardWidget Widget object

# Return Result

The result returned by running the Widget core logic is an object of type Map<String, Object>. The system will directly pass this Map object to the frontend. When rendering, the frontend will directly convert this Map object into a JSON object, and merge it with the default properties defined in the Widget's frontend rendering component and the JSON object with key config in the Widget definition's Options. After merging, the merged result is used as the property set of the Widget's frontend rendering component.

For example:

  1. The value of the Options field in the Widget definition is as follows, where xField defines the x-axis of the chart as year, and yField defines the y-axis as value
{"config": {"xField": "year", "yField": "value", "position": {"col": 8}}
  1. The value of the Map returned in the Widget core logic is as follows
def data = [
  [x: 1, y: 2],
  [x: 3, y: 4]
def result = [
  data: data,
  legend: [
      custom: true,
      position: 'bottom',
return result 

Then the final properties passed to the React rendering component are the merge of the above two sources.

Among them, the xField and yField properties come from the Options field in the widget definition, and the data and legend properties come from the return value of the Widget core logic

  "xField": "year",
  "yField": "value",
  "data": [
    {"x": 1, "y": 2},
    {"x": 3, "y": 4}
  "legend": {
    "custom": true,
    "position": "bottom"

# Widget Type Details

# Supported Widget Type List

The following lists the widget types currently supported by the system and their brief descriptions

Type Description Corresponding Internal Rendering Component
MARKDOWN A markdown content Uses react-markdown (opens new window) for rendering
HTML An HTML content Displays an HTML content
COUNTDOWN A countdown widget Statistic (opens new window)
STATISTIC A single value statistic Statistic (opens new window)
DATATABLE Displays a table Table (opens new window)
PIE_CHART Pie chart Pie chart (opens new window)
LINE_CHART Line chart Line chart (opens new window)
COLUMN_CHART Column chart Column chart (opens new window)
GAUGE_CHART Gauge chart Gauge chart (opens new window)
LIQUID_CHART Liquid chart Liquid chart (opens new window)
BULLET_CHART Bullet chart Bullet chart (opens new window)
AREA_CHART Area chart Area chart (opens new window)
BAR_CHART Bar chart Bar chart (opens new window)
PROGRESS_CHART Mini progress bar Progress chart (opens new window)
RING_PROGRESS_CHART Ring progress chart Ring progress chart (opens new window)
TINY_AREA_CHART Tiny area chart Tiny area chart (opens new window)
TINY_LINE_CHART Tiny line chart Tiny line chart (opens new window)
TINY_COLUMN_CHART Tiny column chart Tiny column chart (opens new window)
BI_DIRECTION_BAR Bidirectional bar chart Bidirectional bar chart (opens new window)
HISTOGRAM Histogram Histogram chart (opens new window)

Related widget types have specific settings or usage notes, detailed as follows

# Non-Chart Widget Property Structure

# Markdown and Html Widgets

Below is the structure of the core logic return value for markdown and html type widgets

// A Map object containing a key 'data' with the display text as its value
[ data: "Markdown text" ]



You can set the overall style of the widget in the Html widget's options through the config field, for example

  "config": {
    "style": {
      "color": "red",
      "fontSize": "32px",
      "textAlign": "center"

You can also set the overall style of the widget in the widget's core logic return value through the style field, for example

return [
  data: "Hello World",
  style: [
    // Optional CSS styles
    fontSize: "12px"


Markdown widget supports gfm standard (opens new window) through remark-gfm (opens new window), which includes some advanced format controls such as tables, lists, TODOs, etc.

# Countdown Widget

Below is an example of the core logic return value structure for countdown type widgets

Date d = new Date()
d.setYear(2022 - 1900);

return [
  // Title is the title of the countdown displayed on the interface
  title: 'Winter Olympics Countdown',
  // Value is the target time of the countdown, the system will automatically generate the countdown display based on the current time
  value: d.getTime()

# Data Table Widget

Below is an example of the core logic return value structure for data table type widgets

return [
  // Contains an array with key 'data', and value being the data to be displayed
  // Each element of the array is a Map type structure
  // The structure below will be rendered into a table with two columns in the frontend
  // The column titles are First Column and Second Column respectively
  data: [
        "FirstColumn": "Hahaha",
        "SecondColumn": "Good"
    ], [
        "FirstColumn": "Hahaha2",
        "SecondColumn": "Good2"

# Statistic Widget

Below is an example of the core logic return value structure for Statistic type widgets

return [
  // title is the title displayed on the interface
  title: "Yesterday's Sales",
  // value is the value displayed on the interface
  value: 50 
  // direction can be 'up' or 'down', determining the color and direction of the arrow displayed on the interface
  direction:  "up" | "down"

The widget display effect and the correspondence between each part and the parameters passed from the backend are shown in the figure below

# Chart Type Widgets

All dashboard charts are rendered using the antd chart (opens new window) chart library, but currently only a subset of chart types are supported. Please refer to the above table for the specific support list.

When a chart Widget is rendered, the part with key config in the Options field of the Widget definition will be merged with the top-level keys in the Map returned by the Core Logic, and the merged result will be directly passed as parameters to the antd chart rendering component.

Compatibility Note

The current widget rendering does not support JavaScript callback function type rendering properties.

# Chart Axis Settings

For chart types that include axes, axis settings need to be included in the Options of the widget or in the return value of the core logic, otherwise the chart may appear empty or display incorrectly.

  1. Setting in the Options field
// Set x-axis to year, y-axis to value
{"config": {"xField": "year", "yField": "value", "position": {"col": 8}}
  1. Directly return in core logic
return [
  xField: "Time",
  yField: "Sales"
  data: [...]

List of charts where xField and yField are required properties:

  • Line chart
  • Area chart
  • Column chart
  • Bar chart

List of charts where xField is an optional property:

  • Bullet chart

# List of value properties for charts

According to the Antd chart API, the property names for displaying data in charts may vary. The following table lists the data property names for various charts for reference. Please refer to the Antd chart documentation for specific property value formats.

Chart Type Data Property Name
Line chart data
Area chart data
Column chart data
Bar chart data
Pie chart data
Gauge percent
Liquid percent
Progress chart percent
Bullet data
Ring progress chart percent
Tiny area chart data
Tiny line chart data
Tiny column chart data
Bi-direction bar data
Histogram data


The value property in the core logic return result is required, otherwise the chart will not be displayed.

Compatibility Note

The current version of Antd chart is 1.0.11. Please note that in future versions, the Antd chart API may change. If the above properties become invalid, please refer to the latest API documentation for each chart.

# Notes

The following lists the considerations and best practices for implementing dashboards.

# Priority of Widget Display Properties

When rendering widget controls, the system merges the widget's core logic, Options field, and default properties defined in the front-end rendering control as the final control rendering properties. The following lists the priority of properties from these three sources. For properties with the same name, values from higher priority sources will override values from lower priority sources.

* Highest: Display properties returned in the widget's core logic
* Second: Display properties defined in the widget's Options field
* Lowest: Default display properties of each widget's React control

# Best Practices

# Line breaks in Markdown widget

If you need to add line breaks in the rendered result, you can add two spaces at the end of the line. The final rendered effect will include a line break.

# Minimum Widget Width

If the widget width is set to less than 4 (Widget Options width set to 1, 2, or 3 {"position": {"col": 1 | 2 | 3}}), there is a chance that the widget may overlap with the following widget. Therefore, it is recommended to set the minimum widget width to 4 or above (occupying 1/6 or more of the total width) when designing widget layout.

# Special Note on Options Field Format

The Options field in the Widget definition is saved as a jsonb type field in the database. As required by PostgreSQL, all strings in this JSON string must be enclosed in double quotes, not single quotes. For example, {"position": {"col": 8}} cannot be written as {'position': {'col': 8}}, otherwise saving to the database will fail.

The following lists some framework implementation details that may be helpful for creating dashboards and troubleshooting issues.

  • In the system, a dashboard is a type of form (Form) of type Dashboard, which is the same as object CRUD and wizard-defined forms, all stored in the dynamic_form database table.
  • The APIs for dashboard metadata retrieval, rendering, data retrieval, etc., all start with /dashboard/. For details, please refer to the Swagger page in the system.
Last Updated: 2/22/2025, 5:23:19 AM